Friday, May 6, 2011

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Unit Plan: Christopher Columbus - Blogging Journal/ Web Tour

 I love the idea of using a blog to teach a lesson. I did a christopher columbus lesson plan complete with "journal entries" and links to follow the journey and the events before, during, and after the trip.  Example... "I am sailing the largest of the ships, the Santa Maria..." This gives the students an adventurous learning process. I made this unit plan for 3rd graders. 

 Using internet based tools and web 2.0 to steer a lesson plan is a good way to attract students to curriculum material. This supports my educational philosophy because it is using fresh ways to educate students so that all learning styles are met and interest in the material is high!

 Creating Unit Plans around the use of a wiki or internet based tool was not something I had considered before this class.  I can see how it would be an interesting change for the students and spark their attention. This however would not be something I heavily rely on because that then defeats the purpose of it being fresh and new. 

Unit Plan: Logo - FROG CYCLES!!

 This is a unit plan using Logo.   Logo is an incredible program.  I think it is fascinating that an advanced artform such as computer programming can be taught at the elementary age level.  The program is not just valuable for the sake of computer programming but also in assisting other subjects and supporting problem solving.  I used logo to create a lesson plan teaching the life cycles of frogs in the third grade classroom. 

 Logo is going to be very useful in the classroom.  I like how it can be translated to different grades and interests in learning.  Whether I use it in a lesson plan such as the frog cycles or if I use in my "Exploration" hour, I can see the benefits of Logo for my future students. This supports my educational philosophy because it supports problem solving, creativity, and patience which are all social skills I seek to enrich in my classroom. 

  Logo is a new venture for me. I see a window of opportunities with it but I also can see how it would be difficult to use in a practical sense.  When working with logo time and patience are needed in abundance.  I want my kids to get the best worth of time in my classroom so spending a larger chunk out of our day is not something that would realistically work in to the schedule. I do however think logo  would be wonderful for my kids so I would love to use it for the soul purpose of growing and expanding.  I probably wouldn't do a formal evaluation so my students don't feel pressure in staying in the box.  Logo is a place to explore and grow.

Lesson Plan: Productivity Software

 In this artifact my classmates and I made lesson plans using productivity software. I chose Excel because  I believe it is a vital tool for practical daily use and I want to incorporate use of it in early years.  Excel is compatible to many lesson plans because it combines the aspects of reading, writing, documenting, and math.  I used it for documentation and scientific process purposes in a third grade classroom.  I also made the subject matter literacy to show the importance of all facets. 

 Learning how to incorporate productivity software in lesson plans is important because it is often times overlooked when forming lesson plans.  Excel is an extremely useful program that needs planning to ensure smooth use in lessons. This supports my educational philosophy because it is incorporating many subjects in one and is intriguing to the kids due to the change in pace. 

 I generally prefer the use of paper and hands on material because that is how I learn best.  The more I open myself to new methods and ways to teach to different minds, the more I am interested in the use of productivity software.  My brother is much more free to experiment and express his thoughts in the computer world.  I am willing to use all mediums in my teaching so that students can learn in all ways. 

Software Evaluation Form

 This is a software evaluation form for a really cool program called Phun by Algadoo.  This program is interesting, entertaining, and extremely useful in the education of physics, math, science, and problem solving. If you want to see the program in action check it out here! This software can be used in all classroom ages but in this instance is requested for 4- 6 graders.

 The Software Evaluation Form is a good artifact to be know how to use.  With out a good evaluation form the software has a low chance of making it in to the classroom.  I'm glad to have gotten some practice in this from our computers in the classroom. This supports my educational philosophy in that is encourages the use of hands on explorative material through an approved process.

 This has opened my eyes to the availability of software.  I hadn't thought much about using it in my classroom because I'm more passionate about other aspects of teaching.  I've realized however that software compliments and expands on the aspects of teaching of which I am passionate. Such as challenging the students, teaching to the individual, and enriching social competence.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Educational Philosophy Statement!

The human mind amazes me.  I think it is incredible how babies learn to crawl, how toddlers learn to speak, and how children learn... life.  I often find myself underestimating children.  Why do we do that?  This is the PRIME time for them to learn.  Lets give them the big guns.  Give them the respect deserved for the amount of learning and living upon them. Present information to them in a way that is interesting and educational and let them take it head on. I will not put my students in a box...

... I will give my students respect.

Do you know what else amazes me?  How different we all are.  How unique we are and how much we change in this life.  Whether scientifically correct or not, I do not believe there are unintelligent children.  They have their whole lives ahead of them! How can we determine their limits now? Some students thrive in the regular school settings while others need something different.  I am learning all I can about teaching to the individual.  For instance Dyslexia... I am surprised this is not a category under the gifted and talented program.  Dyslexic students have an extremely unique way of learning that is beyond most students who typically do well in school. They can manipulate information and solve problems like it is nobody's business.  Reading and writing are obvious necessities in society so why can we not tap the incredible way they can solve problems to improve their reading and writing skills? Each student has something wonderful to contribute and I hope to address what is special in each of my students and continues to challenge them the way they learn not the way I teach.  I will not generalize my teaching to the crowd...

...I will teach the individuals.

Daniel Goldman's studies in emotional intelligence have demonstrated how important emotional and social competence is in teaching children. The ability to delay gratification, maintain relationships, manage money, cooperate and contribute in groups are better predictors of success than basic IQ scores. This is my greatest pursuit in teaching.  There is so much more in life than what is in our curriculum.  If I am to picture the future, I want a future where Americas citizens are well rounded, accepting, moral, cooperative, growing, and passionate.  I know I have no control over this but as a teacher I will pour in to my students all of  the love, support, and guidance to shape them as socially competent individuals. I will not glaze over teaching life skills...

...I will prepare my students for the future.

Educational Philosophy... Questions to ask yourself.

To give us inspiration and a way to organize our education philosophy statements,  Julie Mcleod asked us these questions.  I think these are good questions to ask yourself so I thought I would share the questions and for your entertainment my first thought responses:)

1. In your opinion, what are the broad goals of education? How can they best be met?

Broad goals of education: enrichment, greatest educational capacity for each student, social competence, well rounded environment.  Met by evaluation, constantly modifying to the present students, providing a healthy learning environment

2. What is your image of the child? How do you see the child as a learner?

The child: each is different and has a treasure chest of possibilities waiting to be tapped.

3. What are your hopes for each of your (present/future) students? What do you want them to achieve, accomplish, learn, feel, etc.?

That I can push my students to the best of their abilities and help them meet personal goals.  I want them to feel accepted and learn social competence

4. What kinds of knowledge and skills do you believe are most important for students, and how should they gain that knowledge and those skills?

Life skills, reading, problem solving, communication

5. What will be your role as a teacher in the learning process?

Help facilitate learning in every capacity.  Push the children to their best ability.  Give them support and encouragement. Provide a fun environment.

6. What do you believe about the learning process? How does learning take place?

Learning process takes place in an accepting and encouraging, but also challenging environment.

7. How will your beliefs influence your teaching?

My beliefs will affect how I teach because God has shaped who I am as a person and therefore the nature of how I teach.  I am constantly growing and learning and will definitely grow and learn from my students.

8. Will you consciously promote certain values in your classroom? If so, which values will you choose? Why? If not, why not?

I believe kindness is above all in the classroom. If they can learn to be kind and accepting to everyone in the classroom than I think the students will feel confortable taking risks in learning.  I also would value this most because it breaks my heart when kids are bullied or bully.

9. What kind of environment do you hope to create in your classroom? How does this relate to your basic beliefs about students and learning?

Open environment! Safe, happy, supportive, loving, challenging, chatty, learning etc. I need a word cloud!

10. What kind of feedback will you offer your students as they work? How will you use praise, rewards, punishment, etc.? What kinds of assessment will you use to be sure that students have met objectives?

Positive but corrective when needed.  It is important to keep the kids striving for more but also to recognize their good work  and encourage them. I plan to assess my kids in multiple ways to give the students different ways to express their knowledge on the subject.

11. What is your teaching style?

Fun, goofy, challenging. I try to incorporate creativity and a sense of spontaneity, with out overriding the consistency of an organized schedule, so that the students don't get caught in boredom.

12. What strategies do you use when teaching?

I try to have high positive energy and I use that most when I am pushing them towards a goal like in teaching swimming.

13. Why do you teach the way you teach?

I teach the way I do because I want the kids to feel excited and happy about what that have learned and achieved that day.  I teach because I enjoy teaching. I hope my future students enjoy learning as much as I do teaching!

adapted from :
Kilbane, C., & Milman, N. (2003). The Digital Teaching Portfolio Handbook. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. 

Hello My Name Is...

Anna-Marie McNiel

I am soon to be Mrs. Anna-Marie Carter.  My handsome fiance's name is Daniel

(Thats him!)

I am a daughter of Christ and live and desire to glorify Him in all that I do.

(I am also an artist)

I have a loving family:)

I am a performer...

(even when it's embarrassing)

a swim teacher...

an amateur ukulele player...

and a weirdo.

(who fortunately still has friends... who are also weird.)

The coolest part of this blog is what is to come...


sorry no picture... my time machine isn't working;)